You can make money trading stocks; you can lose money trading stocks. You can make more money leveraging stocks; you can lose more money leveraging stocks. Be very careful. Always start with a very small amount of money when beginning to trade. As you learn and you feel more comfortable with it, you can trade larger amounts. But definitely start with very little until you get the hang of it. Better safe than sorry. Better slow to start, than broke at the finish line.
Below you will find various programs that can assist you. Check them out are try one you feel comfortable with. If you don't like it, definitely get a refund before the guarantee expires.
Most of the web pages below will offer you an additional discount when you try to leave the site. If you like the program, try to leave the site and see if it offers you a discount. If not, it may give you a popup window for something else. If it does, just click "Continue" and it should let you immediately exit the site.